Duck hunt
Carrom3D Demo April 28, 2010 Android - Sports

BlueTooth: No
OnLine-version: none
Carrom3D Demo - three-
dimensional billiards for
Android. Besides two
versions of billiards, there
are three variants of the
game curry and a version of the game krokinol.
Carr and krokinol - game
resembling billiards, but
the game is played with
chips on round wooden
boards of different shapes. The game has very
beautiful graphics,
complete freedom of
choice of the point of
view, the angle and force
of impact. Game Settings allow you to change the
graphics settings. Carrom3D Demo allows
you to play against
krokinol curry or
smartphone or just one
workout. In the billiard
can only be trained.
Download v1.5.1 (Demo) on 4/28/10 (1509.03 KB)